
Tel: 96 325 20 41

Efigestia SL – Avinguda del Cardenal Benlloch, 45, 6C, 46021 Valencia





Why should we trust consulting firms to work with our companies and handle data that is so sensitive to us?

We must consider consulting firms as companies, just like us, and we trust that their work is as efficient and effective as possible.

Yes, they work with very sensitive data for us and with relevant information for the company, but for those we are today protected with the data protection law, which guarantees us that the handling of said information is appropriate and no harm is done. misuse of it.

We have to think about optimizing the company's resources, and today in order to grow as a company we must learn to outsource services.

We currently live in a globalized market, so companies have to be more competitive and efficient, so in order to achieve this we must be aware that the best way is to outsource the functions that we normally develop with our own personnel and thus dedicate ourselves to what we really need. differentiates us in business

Normally this type of service is better known by its English word outsourcinging and It has already been highly developed in Large Companies many years ago, but it is now with the increase in new technologies that it is applicable to SMEs.

In short, it consists of helping the businessman so that he can make the best and optimal decisions, with the highest level of analysis and reflection and minimizing risks.

The companies of outsourcing They arise in order to help optimize the resources of a company and thus be able to dedicate all its e
sefforts on what really adds value, ultimately consists of outsourcing those functions that are not key to making money and yet take up a lot of our time.

By outsourcing services we achieve several objectives:

1. WE REDUCE COSTS, by optimizing our resources we reduce fixed costs

2. WE INCREASE PRODUCTIVITY, a visible consequence of dedicating time to what really produces benefits for us

  1. WE ACHIEVE PROFESSIONALISM AND FLEXIBILITY, since we will work with companies specialized in each functional area, which will provide us with time savings and less margin for error.
  2. DEDICATION TO KEY ASPECTS. By making certain aspects of management more flexible, it automatically releases economic resources and dedication to the parts that make each company special and different and thus manage to guarantee its growth and competitiveness.
  3. GREATER FLEXIVITY TO CHANGES. We become a more flexible and agile company to new market changes by converting fixed costs into variable ones.





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