
Tel: 96 325 20 41

Efigestia SL – Avinguda del Cardenal Benlloch, 45, 6C, 46021 Valencia


Ephigestia and the META 4.0 project

EFFIGESTY presents together with FREMM (Regional Federation of Metal Entrepreneurs of Murcia ) the META 4.0 project. It is a project designed to the promotion, establishment and increase of the competitiveness of companies, through knowledge, assimilation, and effective implementation of digital technologies in the industry, so as to enable devices and systems that cooperate between them, as well as transversally, they could establish connections with other industries, so that the META cluster industry and transversal industries can improve their products, their processes and by extension, their business models.


This is the first project of this nature in the region and will involve a project to improve the competitiveness of the metal-mechanical sector based on process innovation, the development of products with added value, and the creation of a business model. that allows us to advance in the very competitive market that we are experiencing and that tends towards globalization and increasingly greater specification and demand for quality and differentiation.


The project focuses its action on the immersion of the Industry 4.0 concept, and will be based on the lines of action for 4.0 projects established by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism – Connected Industry 4.0. and in the technological base that the Cluster has, addressing line 01: Guarantee the development and knowledge of I4.0 competencies. encompassing awareness and communication, as well as training.





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